“STOP GLOBAL WARMING”, European Campaign

June 5 is World Environment Day. Our company joins the “Stop Global Warming” campaign promoted by “European Citizens”. The idea is to put a price on CO2, which is considered the most effective way to reduce climate-altering emissions. This is supported by 27 Nobel Prize winners, 5,000 economists and 11,000 scientists.
We believe that it is crucial for us, for future generations and, consequently, for our businesses, to act against global warming. We do this by signing the petition at www.StopGlobalWarming.eu and inviting our contacts to do the same.
With 1,000,000 signatures on www.StopGlobalWarming.eu by 20 July 2020, the proposal will be submitted to the European Commission and discussed by the European Parliament.
If you are willing to support the initiative, sign and invite your contacts.