Santagata and Mectrotech

In the contingent situation of particular difficulty due to the Covid-19, our company wanted to give a tangible sign of commitment and attention by supporting the activity of Mectrotech for the development and production of intelligent masks.
Mectrotech, Genoese startup, specialized in mechatronics for the production of devices in the medical field, in recent weeks has dedicated itself to the prototyping of masks, not only the commonly used filter masks, but also “mechatronized” intelligent masks able to control air and oxygen flows.
“We considered it fundamental, in this dramatic period, to support a young and innovative company in our territory, which is working hard to create tools that are proving to be fundamental in defending against this terrible pandemic,” said Cristina Santagata, CEO of the company.
The support to Mectrotech is in addition to other actions that Santagata has activated in recent weeks such as the supply of olive oil for the GNV hospital ship.
The Santagata company has always been active in spreading the culture of olive oil and healthy food and in supporting initiatives for the development of the territory.