From storytelling to storydoing

“25 million Italians are on Facebook every day. 80% of Italians surf the web using their samrtphones, 20% by PC: being able to use the web language becomes the discriminating factor to influence the consumer” (Valerio Perego, at the 2nd Food Forum in Genoa). The role of social networks and in particular Facebook and Instagram and the curiosity of the consumer have increased the importance of “telling stories” about companies and products. The fascination and power of images have become the heart of traditional marketing and communication techniques, but they do not necessarily generate loyalty. In the long run, people confine it to a stale and symbolic way of saying things, or even interpret it as an attempt at manipulation. Hence the need to find, especially by food companies, new forms of engaging relationships that can help and stimulate people in their daily lives and from storytelling we move on to storydoing: “Don’t tell me fascinating stories far from my reality, but tell me what you do!”
In addition to products with their characteristics, in “storydoing” count transparency and values and the ability to be in tune with social and civil mobilization (food culture and quality of life, a harmonious production with respect for the environment).